Trindall’s Sobema Cyber Party (with lifting arms) Ex-Belgium now in Australia.

Photo: Daniel Harmer

  • Original Size 1200 x 810 pixels
  • Date Taken October 25, 2008
  • Aperture f/2.8
  • Shutter Speed 1/500 sec
  • Focal Length 5.6 mm
  • ISO 100
  • Camera N95 8GB

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2 Responses to “Trindall’s Sobema Cyber Party (with lifting arms) Ex-Belgium now in Australia.”

  1. Its not ex Holland, but ex Belgium. It was owned by the family’s Derieuw (87-99), in 2000 by the family Baetens en from 2001 to 2005 by Patris-Greif.

    Dave - May 8th, 2009 at 6:49 pm

  2. Cyber Party left Sobema Belgium as Street Dance. With a Las Vegas theme, big slot machine in the center. Half the 90’s due to a fire started by a kids caroussel a part of the backdrop went lost in the flames, also there generator and a part of the dodgems at the other side of the street dance. That was a turning point to refurbish the street dance to cyber party.

    Dave - May 9th, 2009 at 10:53 pm

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